The rise of louis xiv is a film directed by roberto rossellini with jeanmarie patte, raymond jourdan, jean baptiste colbert, silvagni, year. This docudrama by roberto rossellini focuses on french king louis xiv jeanmarie patte. The film, the taking of power by louis xiv 1966, directed by roberto rossellini, shows louiss rise to power after the death of cardinal mazarin. Based on extensive medical records and the memoirs of the duke of saintsimon and other courtiers, the death of louis xiv is a wry neoclassical chamber drama, a work of pure magic by albert serra, one of todays most singular directors. I first caught this film at moma in new york sometime in the 1980s under the title the rise of louis xiv and again at a packed revival house seven or eight years later. This is the start of the slow agony of the greatest king of france, surrounded by his relatives and doctors. The taking of power by louis xiv also called the rise of louis xiv, is a 1966 french television film by italian film director roberto rossellini. From 1643 to 1792 it was the stage on which the most glorious period of the french monarchy played out, until the darkest days, at the fall of the bourbon dynasty. It always struck me as a rather tedious effort to capture the style of the sun kings regime at versailles, and the film or vhs copy was very poor quality.
The next days, the king keeps fulfilling his duties and obligations, but his sleep is. The rise and fall of ziggy stardust and the spiders from mars. In the power vacuum, the young louis asserts his intention to govern as well as rule. The rise of louis xiv roberto rossellini, 1966 october 18, 2007 by grunes ingrid bergman behind him, roberto rossellini made the documentary india 1958 and then il general della rovere 1959. Its as if a documentary cameraman was let loose in the royal court of the 17th century sun king, here played by jeanmarie patte. In regal cinematic terms this is more of a companion piece to roberto rossellinis the rise of louis xiv 1966 than a crowdpleaser like the alan bennettscripted the madness of king george. Lethargic minimalist film about louis xiv s rise to power in the mid 17th century. Perhaps the greatest of roberto rossellinis late historical films 1966, this beautifully mounted, witty, and slyly didactic account of what louis xiv did at. In 1715, after more than 70 years on the throne, the king begins to suffer acute pains in his left leg and is confined to bed. Albert serras the death of louis xiv opens march 31 at the film society of lincoln center.
Filmmaking legend roberto rossellini brings his passion for realism and unerring eye for the everyday to this portrait of the early years of the reign of frances sun king, and in the process reinvents the costume drama. I suppose if i had a greater interest in the time period or historical characters, i wouldnt have been bored. Set in 1715, it depicts the final days of louis xiv of france. The taking of power by louis xiv dvd of the week 19. Mazarins fiscal advisor, colbert, warns against fouquet, the. Based on extensive medical records and the memoirs of the duke of saintsimon and other courtiers, the death of louis xiv is a wry neoclassical chamber drama, a work of pure cinematic magic by albert serra story of my death, one of todays most singular directors. Here you can see the list of films divided into several categories. The last journey of louis xiv by le centre des monuments nationaux saintdenis, the royal necropolis. Its important to notice how instructional the film s exposition is to understand the essence of monarchic principles, while at the same time finding an opportunity to improve the madefortv standards to exquisite, then unseen levels of narrative and formal. After going for a walk, louis xiv feels a pain in his leg. The taking of power by louis xiv dares to place a largerthanlife figure at the. The rise of louis xiv 1966 this docudrama by roberto rossellini focuses on french king louis xiv jeanmarie patte.
The death of louis xiv 2016 letterboxd social film. The symbol of frances glory, versailles is arguably the most splendid royal palace in europe and is seen as one of the wonders of the world. A serious fever erupts, which marks the beginning of the agony of the greatest king of france. Case in point, several months ago i saw another of rossellinis biopics from the same period, socrates 1970, and, as i am a classics scholar, i liked. The taking of power by louis xiv 1966 the criterion. Given the opportunity to turn out a sacha guitrystyle spectacle, director roberto rossellini charts his own neorealist course for the rise of louis xiv. In this film, rossellini with the screenwriter jean gruault, traces the rise of modern. The rise of louis xiv roberto rossellini, 1966 dennis. The rise of louis xiv was one of several innovative films made for french television by the italian rossellini.
Get 50% off hundreds of family movies when you preorder on fandangonow. Originally made for french tv in 1966, when it is said to have gained 20 million viewers can you imagine a similar film in the uk attracting even 2 million. The films only exterior sequence comes at the very start, as the 76yearold louis xiv french new wave legend jeanpierre leaud surveys his famous gardens at versailles, which were partially. As a document of world and cinema history it could serve as a fitting bookend to roberto rossellinis spare but comparatively sumptuous french tv movie the rise of louis xiv 1966. The taking of power by louis xiv tv movie 1966 imdb. The next days, the king keeps fulfilling his duties and obligations, but his sleep is troubled and he has a serious fever. He talked with such eloquence and passion about film that you could readily. To achieve this political autonomy, louis deals with his mother and the court. My favourite forgotten film you recommend your best streaming gems. Bill beik emory university emeritus for many years the rise of louis xiv by roberto rossellini 1966 has been a staple for use in courses covering seventeenthcentury france. That film is dedicated to the childhood of louis xiv.
The film revolves around the french king louis xivs rise to power after the death of his powerful advisor, cardinal mazarin. The criterion collection filmmaking legend roberto rossellini brings his passion for realism and unerring eye for the everyday to this portrait of the early years of the reign of frances sun king, and in the process reinvents the costume drama. The film revolves around the french king louis xiv s rise to power after the death of his powerful advisor, cardinal mazarin. Documentary documentary films that contain only documentary information historical films which tried to recreate the century of louis xiv exactly as it was. Costumes, persons, storyline, places, decorations everything is real and there is no fiction at all. To achieve this political autonomy, louis deals with his mother and the court nobles, all of whom assumed that mazarins death would give them all. After the death of cardinal mazarin, young king louis xiv decides to assert his power to control the aristocracy. After the death of cardinal mazarin, young king louis xiv decides to assert his. With jeanmarie patte, raymond jourdan, cesar silvagni, katharina renn. That film was released only in france and only in french. The 1966 the taking of power by louis xiv, rossellinis first film in this cycle, comes out as a criterion proper release, with supplements and a.
The grandeur of louis xiv on film fiction and film for. Meet the cast and learn more about the stars of the rise of louis xiv with exclusive news, pictures, videos and more at. Manohla dargis, the new york times the most beautiful film at cannes 2016. If you are reading this you know that rossellini was one of the genuine grand masters of cinema. It achieves a rigour that would make it a perfect companion piece to roberto rossellinis similarly seriousminded 1966 feature the rise of louis xiv. The use of unfamiliar actors in the major roles adds to the film s realism. The dvd for the film is available from the criterion collection. The rise of louis xiv 1966 cast and crew moviefone. The taking of power by louis xiv 1966 the criterion collection. A full biography of the most renowned and opulent king of france, louis xiv. The death of louis xiv trailer new release youtube. The earliest of these films, if one ignores the flowers of st francis and viva litalia aesthetically, they dont quite belong to rossellinis new phase, is the rise to power of louis xiv, released in 1966 and funded by a french television production company rossellini turned to television after a string of box office flops.
Although saintdenis basilica had been used for funerals right from the start, it was louis ix, the future saint louis, who finally established the tradition of burying monarchs there. From then on, all the kings and queens of france with a few. Louis xiv lyrics 31 song lyrics sorted by album, including finding out true love is blind, louis xiv. See more ideas about louis xiv, marie antoinette and french royalty. This volume covers the period of louis xiv of france in europe and the near east. The taking of power by louis xiv dares to place a largerthanlife figure at the level of mere mortal. The lawyer sulphur and white those who have been charmed by the wily confidence. It tells of the 14yearold archduchess of austrias betrothal to jason schwartzmans dauphin of france, the early, childless years of their marriage, sudden ascension to the throne and eventual demise.
The film had its world premiere at the 2016 cannes film festival on 19 may 2016. The rise of louis xiv times favorite theater button overview. Watching the film you will learn about his childhood, about hard times of fronde in france and much more. Symbol of frances glory, versailles is probably the most splendid royal palace in europe and is seen as one of the wonders of the world. Rossellini, whose 1966 film the taking of power by louis xiv i discuss in this clip. The age of louis xiv story of civilization 8, will durant viii. The taking of power by louis xiv is easily the bestknown of the long series of educational films which dominated the latter part of rossellinis career. If your plans change, its easy to refund or exchange your tickets. The film man in the iron mask 1998, directed by randall wallace, focused on the identity of an anonymous masked prisoner who spent decades in the bastille and other french prisons, and his true.
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